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Scientific Method

The Scientific Method is a set of steps that help people that are studying something to organize their thoughts and ideas about a certain subject.

The steps of the Scientific Method are:

  1. Observation
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Experimentation
  4. Conclusion
Scientific Method


This is the first step of the process. This step could just as easily be called "Research". Once you choose the area you want to study and come up with a question, you will have to research the subject and gather as much information about the subject as you can.


This is the next step in the scientific process. It essentially is an educated guess that you make for the outcome of your experiment. You base your hypothesis on the research and observation you did in the previous step. The Hypothesis allows you to guess the outcome of the experiment and lets you get really detailed about how you plan to get that outcome. An important part of the hypothesis is that you don't change it. Even if you find out that your hypothesis or prediction is wrong, you don't change it during the experiment. If your hypothesis is wrong, it's not a failed experiment, it just means you now have more information to help you create a new hypothesis for a future experiment to learn more about the area of study.


This is the step in the scientific process that allows you to test whether your hypothesis and prediction are right or wrong. It could be argued that this is the most important part of the scientific process.


This is the final step in the scientific process. This sums up whether the experiment confirms or contradicts your hypothesis and prediction.

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